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Courses since 2015 (all in USU CANVAS)
Spring 2018:
Hidráulica II (hidráulica de tuberías) - Universidad de Sonora
Fall 2017:
Hidráulica II (hidráulica de tuberías) - Universidad de Sonora
Spring 2017:
ENGR 2450 - Numerical Methods in Engineering
CEE 3510 - CEE Hydraulics
CEE 5430 - CEE Hydrology
CEE 6580 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Fall 2016: CEE 2870 - Introduction to Computer Programming
Spring 2016:
ENGR 2450 - Numerical Methods in Engineering
CEE 3510 - CEE Hydraulics
CEE 6580 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Fall 2015:
CEE 2870 - Introduction to Computer Programming
CEE 6530 - Unsteady Flow in Open Channels and Numerical Solutions to the Saint Venant Equations
Spring 2015:
ENGR 2450 - Numerical Methods in Engineering
CEE 3510 - CEE Hydraulics
CEE 6580 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
LINK to courses from 2014 and earlier
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